There are only 9 departments of political psychology in the world, and our reliance on this knowledge branch allows us to not only study opinions, but also predict the behaviour of electors and politicians. This is why our studies are not only more accurate than those of other firms, but also more useful, as they provide insight into how we can address the situation.
Our vast experience in supporting politicians between elections shows that starting a campaign on the day after the previous elections may not be money saving, but will give more confidence in the result.
We advise on how to influence the optimal list of candidates; elaborating key messages; defining which of your opponent’s disadvantages you must focus on; recommending a relevant theme for your campaign so that your electorate will respond in a way that is favourable to you.
It does not matter whether you are the current regime or the opposition; you still need to control what the media will write or say about you! The discussion must be held on your field! We know how to challenge your opponents to get a response; what to ignore; how to coordinate the statements of the keynote and general speakers in the media and on social networks; how to respond to difficult topics and provocation acts.
The sphere is almost endless today; from recommendations on how political parties and politicians should manage their social networks and create their own platforms to project involving direct communication between the wider population and state authorities. An in-depth study of groups and mechanisms for distributing political content within them, coordination of the actions of the most active members of the party on social networks.
It is very important to select the right words and images in the starting strategy. It is no less critical that content on topical events should be in line with the strategy (considering adaptation to changing circumstances). We have experience in generating dozens of arguments, cartoons and memes each day on relevant topics in various styles for social networks.
In any country, including Europe and the USA, the Big League largely influences the election results. Its support (financial, media, mobilisation) of a candidate depends on whom they consider toxic and whom they consider the rightful candidate. We develop projects that help win over some from the Big League.
Our legal partners help identify traps in the current legislation, and also help our clients to avoid them and trap the opponents instead. We also offer the electoral legislation modification programme.
Starting from the development of internal party projects, which help consolidate the party (or vice versa, ensure rotation), and finishing off with cooperation in implementing IT-platforms on mobile devices, which help in taking over mobilisation control
How to reach out to an unfriendly audience or stimulate a weakly motivated audience into attending a support group election?
In adopting a decision to invest in any particular country, a business often has to conduct a risk assessment of the target country’s political landscape. This applies to both the stability of the political system of the country as a whole and the expediency of building relations with a particular political entity.