We are happy to inform that Valentin Bianki on behalf of our company will participate as speaker on 4th Africa Political Summit, which will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 9-12, 2019.
The Africa Political Summit is an annual event (the previous ones were held in Nairobi (Kenya), Lagos (Nigeria) and Cape Town (South Africa)). The summit is organized by The Association of Political Consultants Africa – APCAfrica. The key theme for this year’s event is Campaign Financing and Elections in Africa.
Valentin Bianki will speak about Elections in Africa: on the threshold of change. Speaker will compare basic trends in different parts of the world (population dynamics, age structure, urbanization, Internet penetration rate and social media usage) and make forecasts upon how these trends will continue affecting the course of campaigns in Africa and the political situation globally. Cases of several campaigns of 2018-19 will also be covered.